Apr 2018
Drink 8 glasses of water a day – we’ve heard it for years. But it can be difficult to get enough water, especially during the hot summer months. Here are a few ideas to help you get and stay hydrated.
- Drink water before exercising, or the night before if you exercise in the morning.
- Use a special water bottle or infuser that you can carry with you throughout the day
- Choose foods that have a high water content including watermelon, cucumbers, celery, grapes, grapefruit, chicken breast and hamburger.
- Add cucumbers, watermelon, etc. to your water
- Freeze popsicles with juices and fruits that have high water content
- Eat cold soups such as Gazpacho
- Make herbal tea coolers with decaffeinated teas and fresh fruits
- Bored with water? Try sparkling water instead, or zero-calorie drink mixes to spice things up.
- Use an app that helps you track how much water you drink throughout the day.
- Take a drink of water every time you look at your watch, or pick up your phone.