What is THIS, you may ask?
This is an authentic Resusci Annie CPR manikin, which originated around 1955.
Special thanks to Growing Together Behavioral Center for donating her to us after she was found in the new building they recently moved into.
Mr. T was THRILLED with this find, as she is a piece of CPR history, and he is kind of a nerd like that.
Here’s a little trivia for you.
Did you know that some of Michael Jackson’s song lyrics were inspired by Resusci Annie? Yes! In Smooth Criminal, he repeatedly asks, “Annie, are you okay? Are you okay, Annie?” He had taken a CPR class (where you do say that multiple times when assessing a victim) and it stuck with him.
Additionally, the story of how Resusci Annie came to be and who her face is molded after is interesting: READ HERE