We all love a good deal! As much as we are one of the wealthiest countries in the world, we also love saving money on the things we want and need. We are so connected to this idea that we have created web outlets like Craigslist, Ebay, Facebook Marketplace / Swip Swap groups and more. From these and similar sites we can get things as small as a cell phone or as large as a camper; things so new that the tags are often still on the item or an antique worthy of the best interior placements.

Statista.com reports that eBay has 183 million user accounts worldwide and that Amazon purchases reached over 280 billion dollars in 2019. With all of this purchasing power, we still like buying locally from non-storefront sources. Realmoney.com reports that Facebook Marketplace had 800 million users in the spring of 2019 alone. Generally, the items sold require that a face-to-face transaction be made outside of a storefront location, like a parking lot, or a non-storefront location like someone’s home or storage unit location.
A quick search of Google.com, looking for crimes committed against Craigslist buyers, resulted in page after page of crimes perpetrated against people looking for a good deal on things they wanted or needed. Of course, our first suggestion for Marketplace and Craigslist purchasers is to be ready for anything. Get as much information as you can about the seller and select a public place to complete the transaction.
The Jacksonville Sheriff introduced, prior to the 2019 Christmas shopping season, an initiative they call: “Safer Transaction”. This is such a great idea that we want to keep you informed of this offer, even for non-Christmas purchases. JSO announced on their website that:

“The next time you need a place to conduct that transaction, think “Safer Transaction” and meet where JSO meets.”
What a great offer! Just telling a person that you will meet them at the Police Station will make most bad actors back out of the deal, and will promote feelings of safety for both the buyer and the seller. If you do not live in Duval County, find out where your law enforcement officials meet and make plans to do your transaction in the safest place in your county.
The Jacksonville locations where these transactions can take place can be found in the list below or HERE.
List of JSO Substation Locations:
- Police Memorial Building – Located at: 501 E. Bay Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202 OPEN 24/7
- Zone 1 Substation – Located at: Gateway Town Center, 5258-13 Norwood Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32208
- Zone 2 Substation – Located at: Regency Square Mall, 9501 Arlington Expressway, Jacksonville, FL 32225
- Zone 3 Substation – Located off of Prominence Parkway, 8875 Liberty Ridge Drive, Suite 110, Jacksonville, FL 32256
- Zone 4 Substation – Located at: Cedar Hills Shopping Center, 3726 Blanding Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL 32210
- Zone 5 Substation – Located at: Edward Waters College, 1767 Kings Road, Jacksonville, FL 32209
- Zone 6 Substation – Located at: Highland Square Shopping Center, 936 Dunn Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32218
By Mark Painter, Safety First CPR Instructor